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Total Search Found : 19262
Notification No.86 /2024-CUSTOMS (N.T.) Dated: 16.12.2024 Notification No.86 /2024-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 16/12/2024
Circular No. 1086/01/2024-CX Dated: Circular No. 1086/01/2024-CX 13/12/2024
NOTIFICATION No. 31/2024–Central Tax Dated: 13.12.2024 NOTIFICATION No. 31/2024–Central Tax 13/12/2024
Notification No.85 /2024-CUSTOMS (N.T.) Dated: 13.12.2024 Notification No.85 /2024-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 13/12/2024
Notification No. 127/2024 [F. No. 500/Misc./S10(23FE)/FT&TR-II] / SO 5347(E) Notification No. 127/2024 11/12/2024
11___Income_from_property_held_for_charitable_or_religious_purposes 11 Income from property held for charitable or religious purposes 11/12/2024
12A___Conditions_for_applicability_of_sections_11_and_12 12A Conditions for applicability of sections 11 and 12 11/12/2024
10___Incomes_not_included_in_total_income 10 Incomes not included in total income 11/12/2024
2_Definitions 2 Definitions 10/12/2024
NOTIFICATION No. 30/2024 – CENTRAL TAX Dated; 10.11.2024 NOTIFICATION No. 30/2024 – CENTRAL TAX 10/12/2024
Notification No.126 /2024 [F. No. 285/26/2021-IT(Inv.V)CBDT] / SO 5327(E) Notification No.126 /2024 10/12/2024
Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme – Redemption Price for premature..... Press Release: 2024-2025/1676 10/12/2024
Auction of Government of India Dated Securities....... Press Release: 2024-2025/1669 09/12/2024
Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme – Redemption Price for premature red. Press Release: 2024-2025/1668 09/12/2024
67_Power_of_inspection,_search_and_seizure. 67 Power of inspection, search and seizure. 07/12/2024